There are dozens and hundreds of materials on creating websites on WordPress on the Internet, but many of them are irrelevant or are not supported by the authors of courses and video lectures, for many of them you can deal with almost any problem yourself and it can even be financially profitable to you, because . you will spend a maximum of what is buying a hosting, domain and theme (template) for your site. In principle, most beginners can arrange this option.
But most often, problems arise further when you need to make non-standard elements:
Add a subscription form for updates to your blog
Place and connect social network widgets (communities, groups) or profile icons
Add integration with email newsletter services (MailChimp, JustClick, SmartResponder)
Customize a specific plugin or modify the theme to your requirements
Configure site backup to cloud storage
Fix minor flaws you don’t know which side to approach
There are more specific problems:
Errors connecting to the database (changed the database password, for example)
Site recovery after hacking or inept actions of freelancers
The site stops opening for no reason.
The slow operation of the site will also give you a number of inconveniences
There are problems with sending mail in the form of feedback
Elimination of various errors (500, 504, 404 errors on existing pages, etc.)
Solving Encoding Problems
As you already understood, there may not be any instructions on these issues at all, or they will be in English, which will definitely bring a number of additional problems for novice website dealers. But almost always there is a magic pill (you can choose the color yourself and to your taste), which will solve one or more of your problems.
Price starting from 100 CAD…
We will be very happy to create website for you! If you have any questions please write us